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MythicalSystems LTD

Welcome to the enchanting realm where magic begins! Since our inception in 2021, we have garnered the trust of over 12 million users and continue to captivate their imaginations.

Why use Mythical?

MythicalSystems takes great pride in offering a wide range of projects that are completely free for the entire community to enjoy.


MythicalSystems takes great pride in offering a wide range of projects that are completely free for the entire community to enjoy.


Our product has the top of the notch security. Nothing can get past Mythical, your users' data is all safe when you use 1 of MythicalSystems project.


At MythicalSystems, we prioritize reliability and staying up to date. Our APIs have 99.9% uptime, ensuring uninterrupted access. Trust us for reliable, cutting-edge solutions.


MythicalSystems projects are lightning-fast, empowering users to accomplish tasks in no time. With our projects, you can handle tasks at an unprecedented speed.

Open Source

All of our projects are open source, meaning you can contribute to them and make them better for everyone.


Experience round-the-clock support for all your inquiries and concerns on our Discord server. Our dedicated team is available 24/7.

What are our most popular projects?

We are not proud of most ones but let's just show you some of them.


We are not proud of it but we kinda coded it as our first php project :). It is a free streaming service that is used by over 1.2M users every day. This is illegal but yeahh...


Open-Source Client Area for Pterodactyl Panel. It's a project that was not even expected to be so popular but now its the number 5 most popular pterodactyl dashboard out there!


MythicalFramework is a framework that is used in all of our projects. It is a very simple framework that is easy to use and very fast. It is also the base of all of our projects.

Let's talk numbers :)

I know all you read are just words but let's talk numbers!

Total Users

12.3M+ users have used our projects and services. We are proud to have such a large user base and we are always looking to expand it.

Total Bandwidth

1.2PB+ of data has been transferred through our services. That's a lot of data and we are proud to have been able to handle it all.

Total Money Gained

We have made $4.2M+ in revenue. We are proud to have made this much money and we are always looking to make more.

This data was last updated on 21.08.2024!!

Project Sponsors

Those are our top sponsors and we are very thankful to have them!